Lost needs Jack Bauer
Right, we're almost at the end of "Lost" season 2, and quite frankly - the islanders need help.
Enter Jack Bauer:
* Whereas Dr. Jack will yell, try to look like a tough-guy and threaten to shoot something, Jack Bauer will "go dark" in the Dark Territory, leaving only a bloody trail of dead Others to tell the tale.
* Sayid's interrogations leave a little to be desired. When Jack Bauer starts interrogating, there will be no secrets left - at all. Tough luck, Charlie. Cry me a river, Sun.
* While the good Doc and Ana Lucia are sneaking around THINKING about training an army, Jack would have assembled, trained and successfully completed several commando raids with a small team of makeshift soldiers and still have time to smooch it out with Kate before sunset.
* Sawyer running off with all the guns with Jack Bauer there? Fat chance. Say hello to multiple fractures, Mr. Long Con.
* Michael disappearing in the jungle? Nobody gets Lost on Bauer's shift. Collateral damage, sure, but nobody gets lost. Oh, and no way would Michael walk around freely without getting the 3rd degree by Jack Bauer first!
* With Jack Bauer present, the only surprise shootings would be when Jack pops a cap in one of the bad guys asses.
Oh dear, I just realized this list is turning into one of those "Jack Bauer vs. The World" things. Sorry about that. I just think we need to tie up some loose ends by the end of the season - and as we all know, Jack Bauer is just the man for that. Discuss!
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