Geeks With Cutlery

Gloriously geeky observations on the finer points of popular culture, home-made food and technology. Sprinkled with just the right amount of furious subjectivity and mindless ramblings.

Monday, May 15, 2006

On "Lost" and custard pie

"Lost" as defined by Geeks With Cutlery: "Yes! No. Maybe? Oh, I see! No, wait. Finally! Oh, nevermind.. Where? There! No, here! Him! No, her! No, they? Aha! Oh. Huh?"

(M is getting a wee bit frustrated with Lost, methinks) - from a slightly edited MSN chat session today:

M: I hate Lost. Lost is televized hate!
Bit: But it's a GOOD hate... like the Eurovision Song Contest!
M: No... this is all bad.
Bit: Bah.
M: Bad hate in a good way; like custard pie with bacon fat.... hard to hate either.
M: ..but throw in a milligram of arsenic..... it's still mostly pie and bacon.

We love "Lost". We hate "Lost". We do love custard pie, though. Bacon fat or not.


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