On "Lost" and custard pie
"Lost" as defined by Geeks With Cutlery: "Yes! No. Maybe? Oh, I see! No, wait. Finally! Oh, nevermind.. Where? There! No, here! Him! No, her! No, they? Aha! Oh. Huh?"
(M is getting a wee bit frustrated with Lost, methinks) - from a slightly edited MSN chat session today:
M: I hate Lost. Lost is televized hate!
Bit: But it's a GOOD hate... like the Eurovision Song Contest!
M: No... this is all bad.
Bit: Bah.
M: Bad hate in a good way; like custard pie with bacon fat.... hard to hate either.
M: ..but throw in a milligram of arsenic..... it's still mostly pie and bacon.
We love "Lost". We hate "Lost". We do love custard pie, though. Bacon fat or not.
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